Table of Contents

Dependencies and Pre-Requisites

Microsoft Cloud Germany is Supported

Now, Odin Automation service providers using the Azure CSP application can sell Azure services of the national cloud Microsoft Cloud Germany.

Fixed Issues

  • APSA-19142 The provisioning request has failed. HTTP 400 Language pt is not supported in country PT. Parameter(s): language.
  • APSA-19050 500 Internal Server Error on attempt to send test budget cap.
  • APSA-18900 The provisioning task fails if a customer who has an SCIT Office subscription without an admin login has chosen "Use Existing Microsoft Account Registered Elsewhere".
  • APSA-18601 Reseller Alerts are not received (Periodic tasks failing) because of the null value as a user's language returning by the platform.
  • APSA-18535 Incorrect parsing of JSON template in _readFile method (Template.js)
  • APSA-19302 Usage in Billing may not match the usage from the reconciliation report
  • APSA-19275 Azure CSP resellers reconciliation reports duplicate periods


Contact your Odin support account manager to obtain the new versions of the Azure Cloud Solution Provider (Azure CSP) application package.


  1. To install the Azure CSP application, use the instructions provided in the Azure CSP Integration Provider's Guide (for Azure 1st Tier Partner as Odin Provider).
  2. We highly recommend that you configure the regular Azure database backup (at least daily) using any DB backup solution.

Pre-Upgrade Steps for Versions 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2 Only

These pre-upgrade steps must be performed for Azure CSP Integration versions 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2 only. If you perform upgrade from versions 4.5.3 or 4.6, skip this section.

On the endpoint host perfrom the following actions:

  1. Create the upgrade50 folder in /usr/local/azure:

        #mkdir /usr/local/azure/upgrade50
  2. Download the patch fix_report_last_billing_time.sql and place it in the /usr/local/azure/upgrade50 folder.
  3. Provide the postgres with the read and write permissions to this folder:

        #chown -R :postgres /usr/local/azure/upgrade50
        #chmod -R g+rwX /usr/local/azure/upgrade50
  4. Make a backup of the table reports:

        #cd /usr/local/azure/upgrade50/
        #sudo -u postgres psql -d azurecsp -c 'select * from reports' -o /usr/local/azure/upgrade50/$(date +'reports-backup-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.txt')
  5. Run patch:

        #sudo -u postgres psql -d azurecsp -f /usr/local/azure/upgrade50/fix_report_last_billing_time.sql


  • Upgrade is supported from version 4.5/4.5.1/4.5.2/4.5.3/4.6 only.
  • During upgrade please stop external DB backup/monitoring scripts if any to prevent table locks.
  • Before upgrade, make sure that you have enough diskspace on the Azure endpoint host: you need 4x times more free diskspace than the database size.
  • Upgrade time depends on the database size: it can take up to 1 hour for each 4 GB of the database size. For the next example you need about 40 GB of free diskspace and upgrade will take about 2-3 hours.:

    #du -hs ~postgres/9.6/data/base/
    10G     /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/base/
    1. Copy the package to the endpoint node and perform the following commands:

      #unzip -o -d /usr/local /root/
      #cd /usr/local/azure
      #python deployment/ upgrade
      #su postgres -c"psql -d azurecsp"
      #VACUUM ( FULL , VERBOSE , ANALYZE ) consumption_records;
      #with last_reseller_report as (
        select oss_id, max(start_time) as start_time from oss_reports where oss_type = 'r' group by 1
      ), closed_last_reseller_report as (
        select as report_id
        from last_reseller_report last
        inner join oss_reports closed on closed.oss_type = 'r'
          and closed.state != 'a'
          and closed.oss_id = last.oss_id
          and closed.start_time = last.start_time
      ) update oss_reports
        set state = 'a'
        from closed_last_reseller_report
        where id = closed_last_reseller_report.report_id;
    2. Copy the package to the management node and perform the following commands:

      #unzip -o -d /usr/local /root/
      #cd /usr/local/azure
      #python deployment/ upgrade

      If the previous version of the package was imported manually, the upgrade command can fail with the "Exception: The application is not installed." message. Apply the following command to correct the installation:

      #python deployment/ install-instance
    3. Upgrade instance.

    Important: If there is more than one instance on the system, run the instance upgrade sequentially, that is one by one.

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