
It is possible to use the Web-analytics Integration feature to build-in a customer JavaScript code into the Customer Control Panel. But how to run different code for CCP v1 and CCP v2?


This can be done by analysing the CCP URL. For example, the following approach can be used:

<script type="text/javascript">

var getLocation = function(href) {var l = document.createElement("a"); l.href = href; return l;};
var u = getLocation(window.location.href;);
i = u.pathname.split('/');

if (i[1] == 'ccp'){
    <paste the CCP v2 code here>
else {
    <paste CCP v1 code here>


The customer JS code is placed to OA > System > Settings > Brands > YourBrand > Web-Analytics Integration.

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