
How to completely delete an APS 2.0 application from OA?


In order to delete an APS application, all related resource types have to be deleted first. The resource types can only be deleted, if those are not included into any service template/plan. Therefore, the below steps must be performed:

  1. Destroy all subscriptions, which have the services provided by the APS application. If the subscriptions include multiples services, prepare a copy of the service template and plan, which does not include the resources of the application to be deleted. Switch the subscriptions to these service plans.

  2. Delete the resources rates, based on the resource types of the APS application to be deleted, from all service plans.

  3. Delete the resource types of the APS application from all service templates.

  4. Go to OA > Services > Applications > your APS app > Resource types, set checkboxes for all resource types and click Delete. In case of the error like below:

    1 resource types can not be deleted, 0 resource types were deleted successfully

    please refer to the KB121979

  5. Go to OA > Services > Applications > your APS app > Instances, click every instance and on the General tab click the Uninstall button

  6. Once all resource types and instances of the application are deleted, the application can be deleted at OA > Services > Applications > your APS app > General, click the Delete Application button.

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