
Cannot create the correction:

RequestError: Unable to load /aps/2/resources/b7b5ee14-e2e7-483a-85c1-473b81a8991f/cmapi/correct status: 500
Internal Server Error

THe log of billing /var/log/pa/billing.log contains the error:

[18-01-30 16:48:37.447 BM_Object   RQ15340696 TH24183 TRC] ...[0] *** INTERRUPTED BY EXCEPTION *** ErrorMessage* BM::CorrectResellerTransaction(DataPacke
[18-01-30 16:48:37.447 BM_Object   RQ15340696 TH24183 NTE] Finished method BM.CorrectResellerTransaction(user = 1000007, SID = 0, lang = en, request = 15
340696, localObject = 0, transaction = 29796792 (HP))
[18-01-30 16:48:37.447 ADict       RQ15340696 TH24183 ALL] ADict::getItem("Standalone Refund is not supported for $1 payment method. " lang=en)
[18-01-30 16:48:37.447 ADict       RQ15340696 TH24183 ALL] Language::get("Standalone Refund is not supported for $1 payment method. ") = "Standalone Refu
nd is not supported for $1 payment method. "
[18-01-30 16:48:37.447 BM_Object   RQ15340696 TH24183 NTE]      ExceptionResult: Standalone Refund is not supported for Credit Card Credit Card 445701***
0009 payment method.


Log of Billing contains the root cause while the first error that CP throws is nothing but incorrect error reporting.

Payment method used is not supported.


Refer to KB for solution.

Error reporting will be improved in the scope of software issue #PBA-83887

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