
If we are facing the following scenario:

  1. Customer placed a Sales Order for Office 365 subscription, provided the subdomain;
  2. Some time passed and customer decided to purchased another subscription under NEW account in Microsoft Cloud;
  3. Customer destroyed his first subscription. Cancellation Order completed, subscription status is Terminated \ Removed, but some OA tasks failed and APS resource of type Office365/Tenant is in aps:unprovisioning status;
  4. Customer placed another Sales Order for Office 365 subscription, provided another subdomain;

then OLD Microsoft account is being used for provisioning (detected by ms_account_id taken from the Endpoint database) which illustrates the following sitelog entry:

[  22] INFO aps_endpoint: TenantsController.Post. Customer 80979ad0-...-a54767922b27 exists


Software-related issue #APSA-19458: "Office365: APS Tenant with "aps:unprovisioning" status is not checked upon new Sales Order palcement: possible race condition".


Contact or TAM to trace the status of the issue.

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