
  1. Cloud Infrastructure build installed is below oaci-17.13-440 version.

  2. Subscriptions based on VPS Hosting resource model are lacking traffic usage information in OA control panel. On IM and Virtuozzo side traffic counters are updated correctly and information is passed to OA. However, OA resource usage logs have never been updated for traffic resource of VPS Hosting subscriptions.

  3. The issue affects only VPS Hosting (flat-fee) subscriptions. Traffic for Cloud Infrastructure (PAYG) subscriptions is calculated correctly.

  4. Additional symptom: there are rare occasions of huge traffic usage spikes on some VPS Hosting subscriptions.


Traffic counters value are not filled when IM reports usage to APS due to software-related issue CCU-19928 "Traffic usage is not reported for VPS Hosting".


Install the latest available hotfix for the corresponding version of Cloud Infrastructure - the issue is fixed in scope the Cloud Infrastructure hosfixes for 17.13 and 18.0 versions.

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