
Attempt of upgrade of ionCube package on Windows host fails with the following output in core.log:

Failed to process executeUpdateSequence at xpath tail HOOKS/HOOK[@when='prepre' and @upgrade='yes']/child::* for pkgId: 2780, ex message is: Failed to process EXEC command for package ionCube of type other having pkgId: 2780, exception message: For input string: " 1605" input xml: <EXEC cmd="&quot;${pleskd.rootpath}\ionCubeSetup.exe&quot; /u /qn /l &quot;${pleskd.rootpath}\Logs\ionCube-;" group="" user="" valid_exit_codes="0, 1605"/>

One could find the following entry in the corresponding package manifest (from package_body table):

<UPGRADE from="" to="">
        <!-- Remove the previous version -->
        <EXEC cmd='"${pleskd.rootpath}\ionCubeSetup.exe" /u /qn /l "${pleskd.rootpath}\Logs\ionCube-"' user="" group="" valid_exit_codes="0, 1605"/>


Software-related issue POA-113733 has been submitted regarding ionCube upgrade.


At the moment no workaround is available for this issue. Please contact your Technical Manager in order to acquire more details regarding status of the issue.

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