
When a user tries to add an MS SQL Server database node, they encounter the error "Unable to connect to the database server". However, if they run the same command, but explicitly specify the default MS SQL port (1433), no connection errors occur.

In /var/log/shm-dispatcher/dispatcher.log on the Plesk node, the following errors can be seen:

 whp_requests.INFO: Execution context [POST (ID: 9f66cdfd63e8b8799cb56fa50fd5f62187219106)]

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
"errorMessage": "mssqlmng failed: [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.\r\n   at (VADOConnection::open line 48)\r\n   at Unable to ADO conect with connection string: Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Initial Catalog=master;Data 
"error": "PmShm.Sdk.Exception_DbServerConnectionFailed",

Additionally, a task titled "Execute operation 'provisionWebsite'" can fail with the following error recorded in "/var/log/shm-dispatcher/dispatcher.log`:

Body: {"code":500,"message":"Error occurred during request to WHP API on service node \"mssqlmng failed: SQL Server Network Interfaces: Connection string is not valid [87]. 

Login timeout expired\r\n at (VADOConnection::open line 48)\r\n at Unable to connect with connection string: Provider=SQLNCLI11;Initial Catalog=master;Data execute "C:\Program Files (x86)\Plesk\admin\bin\mssqlmng\" --check \"--server=\\mssqlserver\" \"--login=sa\" \"--password=*\"(vconsoleapp::run line 139)\n(Error code 1)\".",


Software-related issue #WHM-10260: "Cannot add shared MSSQL node: "SQL Server does not exist or access denied" if a Microsoft SQL Server is installed as the default instance".

Odin Automation passes incorrect commands to Plesk. It affects only "Default" instances. A Microsoft SQLServer instance configured as "Named" can be connected normally.


The issue was fixed in Odin Automation 7.3. Please consider upgrade the platform to latest available version.

Workaround: use "Named" instances of MSSQL.

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