
Office365 Syndication -> CSP migration process. Provisioning "Migration" for APS application Office 365 task fails with:

"code": 500,
"message": "Unable to switch subscription's Service Plan. Please resolve an issue and restart the task. Error details: The Business Automation Plan Switch Order #12345 has failed.",

Mentioned Order fails with:

The last error - "Change Service Plan failed: There is already a Renewal Order #RN5432 in Status Completed(CP). This order prohibits the 'Change Plan Period for Subscription' action. Please either cancel conflicting order or wait until it is processed; or contact Provider. 


The error is caused by Billing limitation: Change Orders cannot be processed until all Renewal Orders are not in the Completed status.


In order to resolve the issue:

  1. Cancel the current switch plan Order
  2. Submit a new switch plan Order for the target CSP Service Plan
  3. Contact Odin Technical Support in order to put the new order ID to the existing Provisioning "Migration" task as per How to complete CSP migration if change order got canceled? KB article.

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