
Reconciliation report creation fails with the following error:

Server returned a fault exception: [-1] SUQgY2Fubm90IGJlIGVtcHR5LiAKRXJyb3IgQ29kZTogMHhjZDBiODIwOC4KUmVwb3J0IElEOiAzNzUwMjA3Cg== (ID cannot be empty. Error Code: 0xcd0b8208. Report ID: 3750207)

In the billing.log on the Billing Application Node an error like the following may be found:

[17-05-26 23:39:15.298 BM_Object   RQ2362064 TH03718 NTE] Entering method BM.SubscriptionDetailsGetEx_API(user = 1001010, SID = 0, lang = en, request = 2362064, localObject = 0, transaction = 3647425
[17-05-26 23:39:15.298 ADict       RQ2362064 TH03718 NTE] Language::get("ID cannot be empty. ") = NOTFOUND
[17-05-26 23:39:15.298 BM_Object   RQ2362064 TH03718 NTE]       ExceptionResult: ID cannot be empty.


Issue is acknowledged as APSA-18305.


Contact your Technical Account Manager to clarify status of the issue.

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