Symptoms script does not update list of Possible Parents for existing Add-ons.

Task "Provisioning "AsyncOperation" for APS application Office 365" fails with the following output:

APS Application Error:
500 Internal Server Error
[ApplicationUnknownError] Unable to provision an offer named '***' because there is no parent offer (names of possible parent offers: 'Microsoft 365 E5, Office 365 Business Essentials (ST), Office 365 Enterprise E5 without Audio Conferencing, Microsoft 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing, Office 365 Enterprise E5')..


Software-related issue #APSA-18303: "Office365: script cannot update "/possible_parents" collection."


Update list of possible parents for an add-ons manually in the application instance "Addons" tab. Note that #APSA-18303 is permanently fixed in Office 365 version 17.2. Upgrade application to the latest version, which also contains many common performance improvements.

In order to automatically create missing parent offer in new version of Office 365, it is required to run the script according to the documentation

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