
Provider tried to disable and then re-enable PhpMyAdmin service on NG Webhost. However, once disabled, the service could no longer be enable - corresponding Enable Additional Service phpMyAdmin on cluster task fails with the output:

Failed to process executeInstallSequence at xpath tail INSTALL/POST/child::* for pkgId: 5903, ex message is: Failed to process DII command for package phpMyAdmin of type other having pkgId: 5903, exception message: Failed to process DII, input xml: <DII>

The task itself fails with the following error:

[task:6600513:244931 RequestProcessor-6326 pau ]: c.p.p.c.ServiceInvoker Rethrowing EJB exception [converted]Plesk.ErrorHandling.db_service.UniquenessViolation: Duplicate key violates unique constraint 'apache_include_config_uni0' while executing 'error executing work'.


The issue occurs because task on disable service - Disable Additional Service phpMyAdmin on cluster - tries to remove incorrect record from one of database tables searching in by its path: ${rootpath}/etc/apache/phpMyAdmin.conf.

But there is no record matching that path, so DELETE removes nothing, leaving database inconsistent. Then, "Enable..." task tries to insert the value and fails due to duplicates restriction.

This behavior was recognized as POA-111447: "phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin are disabled incompletely because 'rootpath' property is not resolved" and was passed to the Engineering team for further investigation.


Contact your Technical Account Manager or Pooled Technical Associate Team ( to trace the status of POA-111447 and discuss possible workaround.

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