
Mailbox is migrating from Exchange 2010 to 2013 version. Migrate Address List to Exchange 2013 (organization #1234, subscription #1234) task fails:

Last execution output   
Provisioning request failed. Call of method "SW Managed Exchange::UpgradeAL" failed.
Inner exception(s):
Cannot bind argument to parameter 'path' because it is an empty string.
Error position: At C:\Program Files\Parallels\Windows Provisioning Engine\Providers\SW Managed Exchange\UpgradeAL.ps1:32 char:23
+ UpdateListPermissions $alDN $prefDC


Address List exists on the Exchange side but with no OWKO record. May be a consequence of some manual modification.


Add OWKO record for the Address List as described in How to edit OWKO of AD object: add/remove data by MPS or WPE call KB article.

Template for OWKO AD object looks like:

<pre><code>-value>B:3X:9E444526CXXX4D5C9A59C9A84E26BXXX:CN=S001000XXX AL,CN=All Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=HostedExchange,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=hosting,DC=local</value></code></pre>

Then restart the failed task.

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