
One or both of the usage report tasks "Report usage data for billing" and "Report usage data for billing (end of month)" are being completed successfully in OA, but the reports are not being sent.

In the task details the following message can be seen in the Output field:

Error:3001 Data Validation Error - Invalid XML Format (AuditID:11111)


The issue is caused by the long dash (–) and apostrophe (') symbols that are present in the descriptions of OA entities (resources, licenses, service templates/plans etc.) that are fetched for the report generation.

This issue is reported to the development team as RUMS-134: "Usage reports can't be received due to e28093 and 0019 symbols in report's body".


The data that is used for the report can be fetched using the pem.statistics.getStatisticsReport API method with the report-for-billing parameter.

To workaround the issue search the fetched data for the invalid symbols and correct the descriptions of corresponding entities using the OSA provider control panel.

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