
New privilege MANAGE_AFFILIATED_ACCOUNTS was introduced in Odin Automation Premium Billing 7.1, which is mentioned in the release notes. However the privilege cannot be found at Home > System > Settings > Security > Privileges tab.


The issue is caused by #PBA-80303 ("Privilege MANAGE_AFFILIATED_ACCOUNTS is not shown and can't be added to a role in 7.1").


#PBA-80303 was fixed in OAP 7.2 and higher versions of product. Privilege MANAGE_AFFILIATED_ACCOUNTS is available on provider level in Billing -Settings - Security - Privileges. Also, it is attached to Billing roles with ID #1 and #2 on provider level. This privilege will be automatically propagated to newly created reseller accounts. In order to propagate it to existing reseller accounts (created before upgrade to OAP 7.2 version) it is required to attach the privilege to account "Full Access" role. To do it the following steps should be used:

  1. Go to PCP - Billing - Resellers - Open required reseller account - move to tab "Roles"
  2. Open "Full Access" role
  3. Press "Add New Privilege" button

After these steps are applied privilege will be available for reseller in his "Security" settings so he will be able to attach it to required billing role.

In case if version of your installation is OAP 7.1 please consider upgrade to the latest version of OAP product.

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