
A subscription has been migrated from Syndication to CSP Office 365 application instance.

After running the import script, the Unprovisioning Subscription task fails with the following message:

Last execution output
APS Application Error:
500 Internal Server Error
[ApplicationUnknownError] Unprovisioning: resource 66b4a4f9-b302-4532-9d80-8ed4724731ac of type 'subscriptions' ( for APS application 'Office 365-16.8.3-82': The ambiguity of application instance resources has been detected..

The instance ID of the Syndication instance is higher than the instance ID of the CSP instance.

Another symptom: Office 365 tab is duplicated in Customer CP, both tabs work correctly and expose the same information.


The issue is acknowledged as APS-41710: "ambiguity of application instance resources after O365 subscription migration"


Contact Odin Technical Support to apply a manual fix.

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