
After installing OACI hotfix KB130618 with the fix for CCU-14798 (Resource usage could be not properly processed after HW node connection update), OACI autoscale rules stop working for the VEs, for which autoscale was enabled in the past. If autoscale is enabled for the first time, the rules are applied correctly.

The following messages can be found in /var/log/pa/vps.log:

2017-04-22 13:34:49,530 () WARN  VeHelperImpl [VF executor thread #220 @COMMON] - Outdated CPU autoscale request, ignored
2017-04-22 13:34:49,530 () DEBUG SnmpManager [VF executor thread #220 @COMMON] - No CPU scale rule for VeId[1000010.test-server]
2017-04-22 13:34:49,530 () WARN  SnmpManager [VF executor thread #220 @COMMON] - Autoscale request for VeId[1000010.test-server] has been ignored - nothing to change; scaleCpu: UP; newCpu = 0; currentCpu=2400;


The issue is recognized as CCU-14932.


Contact Odin Technical Support to resolve the situation.

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