
Hosted BroadWorks-related task fails with the output like:

    <message>Configuration script execution problem: Provisioning operation failed.
    Error: [Error 4151] Service Provider or Enterprise not found: Cust_1004009</message>
    <system>Parallels.HostedBroadWorks.Interfaces.Exceptions.ErrorResponseException: Provisioning operation failed.

In BroadWorks-SOAP.log on the Provisoning Gateway Host it is possible to observe similar message:

    [1] SoapResponse at 2017-04-07T04:42:46.4612395-05:00
    [Error 4151] Service Provider or Enterprise not found: Cust_1004009


The customer's account is missing on the Hosted Broadworks side.


Check the account status in the external system.

If it is not possible to restore it, contact Odin Support to properly deprovision application instance on OA side.

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