
It is required to upgrade the php on the NG node to version 5.5 without using alt-php.

How can this be achieved?


Following instruction was tested on CloudLinux 6.5:

  1. Create a file, put the following content in it, make it exectuable with chmod +x, launch it with ./

    #!/bin/bash -x
    set -e
    yum install -y
    yum remove php-ioncube-loader -y
    yum -y install t1lib yum-plugin-replace
    yum replace php --replace-with php55w -y
    service httpd restart
  2. Propagate changes to OA via PCP > Service Nodes > open required node > Apache extensions > Synchronize apache extensions
  3. Wait until spawned task is complete.

This will install necessary libs and remove obsolete ioncube-loader module (which is incompatible with PHP >5.3).

Substitute php55w with php54w to upgrade to version 5.4.

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