
While user is logged in via branded CP URL, it is not possible to assign him newly imported APS application. There is no "Add service" button in CCP on Users > Username screen. There also no possibility to assign this application to service user via user creation dialog.

However, when logged in locally via UI on OA management node - OA_MN_IP:8080 - all UI elements of CCP are shown correctly.

Difference in logs is follows. When button is shown there are calls to APS Navigation API:

DEBUG c.p.p.c.c.a.util.APS2CustomUIHelper - Calling NavApi: refresh: false, request:Navigation: {depth=10, allViews=true, placeholder=, locale=en_US}

But when button is absent, there are no such calls at all.


Package cache on UI nodes was not updated after importing APS package via OpenAPI call. The issue occurs only if a package is imported manually via API.


Restart pau service on all UI nodes.

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