
Provisioning "PACIVirtualEnvironment" for APS application Cloud Infrastructure task fails with the following error:

406 Not Acceptable
[ApplicationUnknownError] Provisioning: resource 14589cab-19fc-490c-9edd-f80ae6d3c6e9 of type 'environments' ( for APS application 'Cloud Infrastructure-1.4-1946': [IM] P30002: Cannot find suitable hardware node. Please see Tasks > Cloud Infrastructure Log for details with UUID [7e399f18-2f7d-4546-8269-d371cb00ea0b].

At the same time in /var/log/IM/PACI-im.log on OACI IM service node, the following error is observed for the:

P30029: Hardware node pcs storage limit exceeded


The issue may derive from 2 conditions:

  1. Stopped snmpd service on all hardware nodes in cluster.
  2. OACI software issue CCU-14579 that prevents updating cluster free space on VE create/delete events.


Main action to resolve the issue with non-update free space on PCS cluster: ensure that snmpd service is up and running on at least one node in cluster:

# service snmpd start

After the service is started, wait ~15 minutes before the statistics is updated.

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