
The customer changed Company Name (or some other information) from the CCP, the change is visible in BA control panel, but information on OA side was left unchanged.


PEMGATE method UpdateAccountToPEM not attached to the event "Account Information Updated" (most probably due to old bug on upgrade from 4.4.6 to 5.0).


Create and attach the required handler:

  1. Home > System > Settings > Events > Event Type Account Information Updated
  2. Event Handlers tab
  3. Add New Event Handler

    Event Type  Account Information Updated
    Object  PEMGATE
    Method  CopyAccountDataToPEM
    Event Handler Parameters    Named
    Signature   integer AccountID
    Protocol    Stellart
    Max attempts    1
    Repeat interval (seconds)   1
    Synchronous No
    Delay (minutes)     

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