
It is required to send API request to BA, how can it be done?


  1. Create .xml file containing API request, its structure is described in the documentation API Methods list
  2. Send an API request:

    curl -d@'<xml request>' -H 'Content-type:text/xml' https://<Business Automation Core server>:<Port>/RPC2

    for example,

    curl -d@'DomainSubscrAdd_API.xml' -H 'Content-type:text/xml'

    as described in Sending Request Through cURL;

Possible errors

  1. Parser error - verify the API structure, check an example in the documentation, make sure all the values are of correct type.
  2. Data packet out of range - verify the API call structure according to the docs, generic_worker.log can additionally be checked to find out where API call failed.
  3. Some base64 encoded error message, can be decoded with

    echo message |base64 -d

    for example

    [root@server ~]# echo QWNjb3VudCAjMTAwMDAyMSBpcyBub3QgcmVnaXN0ZXJlZCB1bmRlciB0aGUgVmVuZG9yIEFjY291bnQgIzEwMDAwMDcuIApFcnJvciBDb2RlOiAweDJmM2Y3MWFjLgpSZXBvcnQgSUQ6IDM0NzMK |base64 -d
    Account #1000021 is not registered under the Vendor Account #1000007.
    Error Code: 0x2f3f71ac.
    Report ID: 3473

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