
The task Complete removal of organization fails with the following error:

Task ID 10162566
Queue name      DomainService00000YYY
Task name       Complete removal of organization (ds_id=YYY)
Task description Complete removal of organization (ds_id=YYY)
Method name     completeDSRemovalHandler on OBJREF:Exchange:0:getMBXService:YYY
Last execution output   
Provisioning request failed. Call of method "SW Managed Exchange::DeleteOfflineAddressList" failed.
Type: Parallels.Wpe.Utils.WpeProcedureException.

Inner exception(s):


Exception calling "Execute" with "3" argument(s): "Can't remove offline address book (OAB) "Company Name OAB" because it is in use by one or more address book policies. Before you remove this OAB, assign the address book policies that use this OAB to another one."

Error position:
At C:\Program Files\Parallels\Windows Provisioning Engine\Providers\Common\ProviderUtils\ProviderUtils.psm1:53 char:26
+ [void]$Context.Execute <<<< ($Provider, $Method, $exec_data)

Type: Parallels.Wpe.PowerShell.PowerShellException.



Address Book Policy still exists on the side of Exchange. Supposedly, it was created directly on Exchange side.


Remove this address book policies in Exchange Management Console and re-run the task.


Full ldap path of subscription can be checked in the following way in OA DB:

plesk=> SELECT org_ldap_path FROM exch_domain_services WHERE subscription_id= xxxxxxx;

Details about OU can be checked using the following cmdlet:

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-OrganizationalUnit "S00xxxxxxx"

Details about ABP can be retrieved using the following cmdlet:

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-AddressBookPolicy "S00xxxxxxx"

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