
Upon submitting Office365 subdomain in CCP or re-submitting an Office365 task, the following error appears:

Non-negative number required. Parameter name: count

One of the below errors below can be observed in C:\WildFly\standalone\log\server.log on Office365 application Endpoint server:

Caused by: com.parallels.poa.csp.crest.api.CRESTMethodException: Phone Number 1-3034471111116 doesn't match the pattern ^(1[ \-\/\.]?)?(\((\d{3})\)|(\d{3}))[ \-\/\.]?(\d{3})[ \-\/\.]?(\d{4})$.


The test reseller has reached its max allowed customers. Please use the Delete-Tip-Reseller-Customer API to release an existing customer prior to creating new customers under this test reseller.


First case: incorrect phone number format since there are strict requirements for phone numbers on the Microsoft side.

Second case: maximum allowed Office365 customers limit was reached by reseller.


First case: Change corresponding contact phone number to satisfy the +1 (102) 811111116 format

Second case: Either remove some of the customer subscriptions (TIP environment) or purchase a new MS licenses. Also, check that Customer Deactivation Behavior Office365 instance parameter was set correctly per Office365 Provider's Guide.

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