
What information is shown in Revenue Recognition Report?


The report shows the amount of pre-pays for both provided and not yet provided services for the period starting from Starting Month (including the starting month as well). Paid amounts are splitted by months, according to pre-paid subscription period.

Invoices, credit memos, and debit memos are included into the report. Both setup fee and renewal fee are accounted.

Example of Revenue Recognition Report Generation:

For example, a customer subscribed for 1 year in August 2009 and pre-paid $120 for 1 year. We select current month (i.e. September 2009) as starting month for the report. Subscription fee is splitted by 12 months as $10 per month. The report will include the amount equal to the remaining part of subscription fee starting from September, $110.

Starting Month

The field displays starting month of the report in the format MM/YY, where MM is number of starting month, and YY are last two digits of year.

Append subscription fee

Check the box to include subscription fee into the report. If the option enabled, PBA detects migrated subscription and includes information on it into the report. In this case subscription is considered to be a migrated one if there are no invoices generated for it.

Till date

Current parameter is only relevant when Append subscription fee is checked; specify the date of migration here. BA will include the information on the subscription that was migrated (was invoiced) before the date specified in the Till date field. Click calendar icon next to this field and select the date.

View Report

Click the button to view the report.


Click the button to return to the list of reports.


Click the button to return to the previous page.

Plan Category ID

The column displays unique identifiers of service plan categories.

Plan Category Name

The column displays names of plan categories. If N/A is shown here, this means that credit or debit memo has been added.

Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb.

These columns display pro-rated monthly prepay or paid amount for each of twelve months starting from the Starting Month.


The column displays the total remaining pre-pay for the period after 12 month.

Click the respective link in Plan Category ID or in Plan Category Name column to drill down to detailed report on service plans of a particular plan category.

Plan ID

The column displays unique identifiers of service plans of the selected plan category.

Plan Name

The column displays names of service plans.

Click the respective link in Plan ID or in Plan Name column to drill down to detailed report on subscriptions of a particular service plan.

Account ID

The column displays unique identifiers of customers (owners of subscriptions).

Account Name

The column displays names of customers.

Period Duration

The column displays length of subscription period for each of subscriptions.


The column displays subscription period type.

Subscription ID

The column displays unique identifiers of subscriptions.

Subscription Name

The column displays domain names of subscriptions.

Click the respective link in the Account ID or in the Account Name column to drill down to details of particular subscription.

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