
After installing OA update, Execute operation 'massUpdatePanelApps' task fails with the output:

Body: {
  "code": 500,
  "type": "RuntimeException",
  "message": "Internal Server Error: Update Plesk in VPS Panel application has been failed. Details:\n \nSubscription: [1028614] Windows VPS 1G with Plesk \nVPS name: server-1028614-1\nPlesk Panel uid: 21286ebc-fb93-417e-99ff-696a4963443d\nError: Request to APS controller failed: \"RuntimeException: Not Found: No appropriate method found for url \"panels/21286ebc-fb93-417e-99ff-696a4963443d/updateEndpoint\".\".\n\n"

Checking the version of the APS instance on the Plesk server inside:

Linux: /usr/local/aps/<uuid>/APP-META.xml
Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\APS\<uuid>\APP-META.xml

it is different from the instance version displayed in OA CP in Services > Applications > Plesk in VPS Panel > Instances.


The VPS with Plesk was restored to a backup, taken prior to the previous instance upgrade The issue is actual only for Plesk in VPS Panel APS version lower than 1.2 and is not actual with the resolution of PVPS-1357, included in OA 6.0.7.


  1. Download /usr/local/pem/PVPS/parallels-plesk-panel/ from OA MN.
  2. Upload the package to the Plesk server.
  3. Unpack the package to the APS directory:

    Linux: /usr/local/aps/<uuid>
    Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\APS\<uuid>
  4. Delete scripts/typeCache directory in the same location.
  5. Re-run the failed task.

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