
Office 365 CSP - "Adjust Limit" link in CCP returns "Login or Password is incorrect", the following error is shown:

Server returned a fault exception: [-1] TG9naW4gb3IgUGFzc3dvcmQgaXMgaW5jb3JyZWN0LiAKRXJyb3IgQ29kZTogMHg5YjdjOTEyYy4KUmVwb3J0IElEOiAyMzg2Cg== (Login or Password is incorrect. Error Code: 0x9b7c912c. Report ID: 2386)


The error is caused by incorrectly specified BA API password in O365 application settings.


Correct the password in Office 365 application instance on "Global Settings" tab.

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