
Trying to delete a host registered as a nameserver in OA fails with the following error:

Service #xxx with name 'bind9' controlled by service controller #yyy is used on host 'ns1.domain.tld'.


During the host removal OA checks whether any services are using this host. In case the nameserver is used by any domain, the removal will fail.


In order to proceed with removal, it is required to identify which instances use the DNS server that is being removed, and switch them to another nameserver:

  1. In OA Provider Panel go to Services > Domains > DNS > Nameservers and find ID of respective server.

  2. Access OA database and execute the following query:

    SELECT * FROM dns_reverse_zones WHERE xxx IN (ns1, ns2, ns3);

    Replace xxx with real ID of the nameserver from step 1.

  3. In case any value is returned, it means that this nameserver is used to host respective reverse DNS zones. In OA UI go to Services > Domains > DNS > Reverse DNS Zones > Zone > Zone Info, click "Edit" and remove or replace required name server.

  4. Run the following query to identify whether there are domain zones using this nameserver:

    SELECT * FROM dns_hostings h JOIN dns_zones z ON (z.hosting_id = h.hosting_id) WHERE xxx IN (h.ns1, h.ns2, h.ns3);

    Replace xxx with real ID of the nameserver from step 1.

  5. If any results are returned, please contact Odin technical support to fix the issue.

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