
We would like to hide buttons (e.g. "Add New Order Item", "Add New Order Item on destroy service" and other) from Account -> Financial Documents -> Orders History -> ORDER_ID -> Order Item tab in Reseller's Control Panel.

How can this be achieved?


The desired functionality can be achieved by using a customization file /usr/local/bm/customization/OItem_OItemOrderDocSalesOrder_List.xml with the following content:

<!-- Note: This file is auto-generated by 'casecomp' utility. -->
<window defs="BM:AHRC" type="table" id="OItem_OItemOrderDocSalesOrder_List" wid="01.11.96" header="Order Item">
  <layout> <!-- This section defines position and other options of the controls on the screen -->
    <grid id="upper buttons" class="controlsLayout" visibility="no" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" WIDTH="100%"> <!-- This is a grid which displays upper line of buttons -->
      <row id="upper buttons">
        <cell class="miscButtons">" " __addOItem" " __addOItemBillRecurring" " __addOItemCancel" " __addOItemChangePlanPeriod" " __addOItemCreate" " __addOItemDestroyService" " __addOItemRenew" " __addOItemStopService" " __addOItemTransfer" " __addOItemUpgrade" " __addOTFItem" "</cell>
        <cell class="mainButtons">" " MoveToArc" "</cell>

The instructions on how to apply the customization can be found in then following article (the content of the file is listed above).

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