
Task named Remove AD entity of type 'UserAccount' (LDAP:'CN=user1,OU=S001234567,OU=R0001000002,OU=Hosting,DC=domain,DC=local'; entity_id: 12123) fails with the error:

Output  Destination host '' (#8), IP '192.1168.1.10' : Provisioning request failed. Access is denied. [<response><errorContext description="Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))" code="0x80070005" executeSeqNo="11"><errorSource namespace="Error Provider" procedure="SetError"/><errorSource namespace="Managed Active Directory" procedure="RethrowError_"/><errorSource namespace="SW Managed Active Directory" procedure="DeleteUser"/></errorContext></response>] 


Incorrect permissions on the object CN=user1,OU=S001234567,OU=R0001000002,OU=Hosting,DC=domain,DC=local - domain\Domain Admins group does not have enough permissions. Possible reason - subscription was migrated from another domain.


Give all permission to Domain admins group on the affected object.

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