
When customer tried to access phpMyAdmin from CCP, the url is changed unexpectedly. One of following two URL is shown randomly as database manager: 

Is there any specific way to define URL that should be used?


phpMyAdmin service is enabled on NG web cluster and on the old phpmyadmin VPS. Because of that connections to phpMyAdmin are balanced between them.


Please do the following steps if you do not need to have phpMyAdmin enabled on 2 (or more) hosts:

  1. Find hosts with enabled phpmyadmin services:

    plesk=> select * from dbm_external_manager_parameters where em_id in (select em_id from dbm_external_managers where proxy_suffix like '%phpmy%') AND name in ('emp.host_id','proxy_suffix','component_id');
  2. Disable phpmyadmin on one of the hosts found

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