
Open CCP for the subscription and swtich to OACI APS tab, click Upgrade server link, set Backup Storage to 5 GB and click Upgrade

Result: VPS tab is reopened

Expected result: Account tab with Upgrade Subscription page is opened.


Bug CCU-10994


The issue CCU-10994 was fixed in Operations Automation 6.0 Update 5, please consider update installation.

As a workaround, please apply the following changes in /usr/local/pem/APS/packages/package_uuid/ui/js/common/billing.js change

var limit = resourceBilling.uiLimit ? resourceBilling.uiLimit : -1;


var limit = ("uiLimit" in resourceBilling) ? resourceBilling.uiLimit : -1;

at line 66.

Note: the uuid of package differs for other customers, inside 002c522f-0053-422a-b866-51651e825b04 there is APP_META where version like 1863 could be found.

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