
Office365 subscription synchronization fails with the error:

1234567 - Error: Customer xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx has no offer 'PROJECTCLIENT' provisioned


Corresponding subscription is disabled on the OA side:

OfferId: 5dbd1579-34b6-445c-a93a-efd8371c9b05, SubscriptionId: yyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyyc, Status: Disabled, Quantity: 0, Usage: 0

But on the MOP side 2 licenses are still assigned to users:

> Get-MsolAccountSku -TenantId 53******-********-*********3e

AccountSkuId                                 ActiveUnits     WarningUnits    ConsumedUnits

------------                                 -----------     ------------    -------------

syndication-account:ENTERPRISEPACK           10              0               10

syndication-account:PROJECTCLIENT            0               0               2

So in OSA the limit of these licenses in the subscription is now zero, but in Microsoft canceled licenses are kept for 90 days.


  1. for each license press Reconcile now in MOP and follow the wizard to remove the license from the user
  2. Repeat the synchronization attempt (or resubmit failed task)

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