
Task Backup 'MySQL database' into group fails with following error:

Task ID     1234567
Task name   Backup 'MySQL database "db1234567_template"' into group '20150219_full'
Task description Backup 'MySQL database "db1234567_template"' into group '20150219_full'
Subscription ID 1234567
Parent task ID  1234568
Queue name  sc37databases.db1234
Method name taskCreateBackupData
Execution status Failed
Start not earlier than  Feb-20-2015 16:34
Finished    Feb-20-2015 16:34
Output      Destination host '' (#65), IP '' : CreateFile D:/backups/backup_data-1234.tar: No error (errno 0).


The backup file D:/backups/backup_data-1234.tar is locked by some process.


  1. Login to host where the backup is stored.
  2. Use unlocker tool to unlock the file.

Internal content