
The task to provision new service template fails with the following error output:

Internal error: 3501 : Can not install packages: ' vzpkg install -q 9200 .pp11.5-webmail .pp11.5-webhosting-addons .pp11.5-watchdog .pp11.5-spamassassin .pp11.5-postfix .pp11.5-php5 .pp11.5-bind .pp11.5-panel-addons .pp11.5-migration .pp11.5-mailman .pp11.5' exec failed - W: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
Error: /usr/bin/apt-get failed, exitcode=100
Error: Can not update metadata for pp11.5-nginx. Skipped.
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
Error: /usr/bin/apt-get failed, exitcode=100


The pp*-nginx application templates are outdated because Nginx has its own repository and separate application templates. Thus, such application templates are to be removed.


Remove the pp*-nginx application templates from the server for all OS distributions and force an update of metadata from the server.

  1. Remove templates:

    ~# vzpkg list | awk '$2~/^pp.*-nginx$/{print$1" "$2}' | while read os app; do vzpkg remove template -F $os $app; done
  2. Update metadata, in this case for the debian-7.0-x86_64 OS template:

    ~# vzpkg update metadata debian-7.0-x86_64 -r

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