
It is not possible to list deleted servers in customer CP, the following error message is displayed:

Instance Manager rejects the request with the message P10011: Cannot retrieve VE configuration before backup

The following error can be found in /var/log/IM/PACI-im.log:

2015-11-30 16:43:42,633 (9c83aa8d-1dd7-42c2-9ea3-d9164583584c) ERROR JAXBUtils [Grizzly(9)] - Invalid XML data at line 13, column 48: [An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{2}) was found in the value of attribute "{1}" and element is "13".])

Each newly created server on this subscription gets immediately deleted.


Incorrect symbol in the name of a deleted server in IM database causes the error.


Contact Odin Technical Support to resolve the issue.

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