
Task for mailbox update fails:

Task name   Set access options for mailbox '' (id=6283797)
Last execution output   Provisioning request failed. Error in 'SW Managed Exchange.ModifyMailbox'.
Exception calling "Execute" with "3" argument(s): "The operation couldn't be performed because object '<NAME>' couldn't be found on ''."
Error positin:
At C:\Program Files\Parallels\Windows Provisioning Engine\Providers\Common\ProviderUtils\ProviderUtils.psm1:53 char:26
+ [void]$Context.Execute <<<< ($Provider, $Method, $exec_data)
Type: Parallels.Wpe.PowerShell.PowerShellException.


Object '' is absent in Active Directory or mailbox is missing in Exchange.

It could happen if tasks to create a mailbox has failed and was cancelled. In result AD object was created but mailbox in Exchange was not. Another reason - AD user or Exchange mailbox was manually removed.


Please, make sure such AD object exists on a preferred Domain Controller (it can be removed or renamed), use ADSIEdit.msc snap-in.

Check mailbox on Exchange server:

C:\Windows\system32>Get-Mailbox -Identity ""
The operation couldn't be performed because object '' couldn't be found     on ''.
+ CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-Mailbox], ManagementObjectNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 8D31F6F8,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.GetMailbox

In case if any of them is missing, recreate it manually. If mailbox was manually removed - customer can restore it directly on Exchange if he has a backup.

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