
When customer accesses File Manager in CP, he receives an error:

Unable to connect to backend.

The error occurs for a single webspace that hosts a large amount of files. Other subscriptions are not affected.


It takes a huge amount of time to scan through the webspace files, and the default web server or PHP timeouts are not enough to serve the request.


Increase the possible timeouts:

  1. Linux File Manager.

    • Apache web server:

      • Edit timeout value in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
      • Reload Apache configuration:

        # service httpd reload
    • PHP:

      • Edit max_execution_time in /usr/local/pem/sysvhosts/elFinder/conf/php.ini
      • Reload Apache configuration:

        # service httpd reload

    Note, in case File Manager is deployed on an NG cluster, the above settings should be configured on all servers in the cluster.

  2. Windows File Manager.

    • IIS web server:

      • Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and expand Sites list.
      • Select File Manager Web Site and click Advanced Settings in the Actions pane.
      • Expand Behaviour tab and set the desired value for "Connection Timeout" field.
    • PHP:

      • Edit max_execution_time in C:\Program Files (x86)\SWsoft\PEM\sysvhosts\elFinder\conf\php.ini and ensure that the activityTimeout does not override it - check official IIS documentation for details.

        Command to add/increase activityTimeout:

        %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config -section:system.webServer/fastCgi /[fullPath='C:\php\php-cgi.exe'].activityTimeout:600

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