This article describes how to update the domain availability checker on Microsoft Office 365 APS 2 (Cloud Solution Provider Scenario) installations.

To update the domain availability checker, perform the following actions:

  1. Update the configuration of Business Automation Control Panel:

    1. Log in to the Business Automation Application Server as root (for Linux) or Administrator (for Windows).
    2. Go to the /usr/local/bm/conf/html/o365 (for Linux) or C:\Program Files\Parallels\PBA\conf\html\o365 (for Windows) directory.
    3. Replace the existing script.js file with the script.jsscript.js file.
  2. Update the configuration of the Business Automation Online Store:

    1. In Provider Control Panel, go to Products > Online Store.
    2. Select the required Online Store for editing.
    3. Select the Layout Templates tab.
    4. In the list of Layout Templates, click on the provision Layout Template.
    5. Click Edit and modify the Layout Template using the ORIGINAL_CODE.txt, CUSTOMIZATION_CODE_1.txt, CUSTOMIZATION_CODE_2.txt files as an example. Note, CUSTOMIZATION_CODE_1 and CUSTOMIZATION_CODE_2 must be replaced with the content of the CUSTOMIZATION_CODE_1.txt and CUSTOMIZATION_CODE_2.txt files.
    6. Click Save.
    7. Go to Products > Online Store and click Synchronize Now.
  3. Make sure the domain availability checker works after updating.

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