
When the steps below are followed:

  1. Home -> Operations -> Subscriptions -> subscriptionID
  2. Click on Service Plan ID on the General page
  3. Click on "Subscription Periods" tab or "Resource Rates" tab.

an error occurs:

Table Service Plan doesn't contain row with id Int32(NULL).


This issue is caused by product bug with id #PBA-62342.


As a workaround perform the following steps:

  1. Create file /usr/local/bm/customization/Plan_MyPlanList.xml

    with the following content

    <window id="Plan_MyPlanList">
        <action id="StandardInput">
          <call type="server" callee=BM::GetMyServicePlans(sortno) return=PlanID, name/>
          <call type="server" callee=BM::GetCurrentAccountID() return=AccountID />
  2. Restart WWW container:

    /etc/init.d/www restart

    You will need to remove the customization file after update with bug fix is installed.

Internal content