
The store is configured to use a language different from English. Everything is localized properly but on the last screen duration description appears in the default English language:


The issue is caused by the bug with id #PBA-62077 ("GetOrderDetailList_API is sent under default language on the last screen of the store").


The workaround is adding the line

'Lang'      => new xmlrpcval($this->locale, 'string'),

to /usr/local/bm/templatestore/libs/internals/bmapi/ in the function GetOrderDetailList_API, so that the params look like that:

  $params = array('Object'    => new xmlrpcval( 'BM_Object', 'string'),
                    'Container' => new xmlrpcval( 'BM_Container', 'string'),
                    'Method'    => new xmlrpcval( 'GetOrderDetailList_API', 'string'),
                    'Lang'      => new xmlrpcval($this->locale, 'string'),
                    'Params'    => new xmlrpcval( array(new xmlrpcval( (int)$OrderID, 'int'),
                                                        new xmlrpcval( (int)0,        'int')), 'array')

Please note that after each update installation the file will be rewritten (until the bug is fixed).

Internal content