
O365 Sync script fails on adding a new user and assigning a license to him.

In sync log:

DEBUG   Subscription 1001808: going to add new user with login ''

DEBUG   Subscription 1001808: user added

DEBUG   Subscription 1001808: going to add Office365 service Microsoft Office365 (Plan E3) for user

ERROR   Subscription 1001808: error by updating: Error during OpenAPI call: Limit for resource 'Microsoft Office365 (Plan E3)' in subscription exceeded, current limit is 290.


In MOP 'Microsoft Office365 (Plan E3)'(in this example) license was removed from an existing user and then assigned to the new user. But in POA this original user still has this license assigned.


  1. Find the user which has no license in MOP, but does have the license assigned in POA CCP.

  2. Unassign the license in question from this user via POA CCP (make sure corresponding POA tasks completed successfully);

  3. Repeat subscription synchronization via synchronization script. It should then complete without errors.

The handling of such situations was implemented in scope of APSA-9853 in Office 4.15

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