Information about Business Automation hosts registration could be found in Business Automation 6.0 for Linux Upgrade Guide and Operations Automation 6.0 Linux Platform Deployment Guide.

After Operations Automation 6.0 upgrade, Business Automation nodes should be registered in Operations Automation. Following requirements should be satisified:

  1. root should be able to login via ssh from Operations Automation management node to all Business Automation nodes via internal IP address. A person who add these hosts should have such credentials.
  2. Business Automation nodes should have installed yum, have configured OS repository and have access to the Service Automation Central repository - and
  3. If Business Automation is installed to Virtuozzo containers, a network should be configured as bridged.
  4. If Business Automation is installed on hardware nodes, selinux must be disabled on Business Automation hosts before registration. Execute sestatus command to verify the Selinux configuration.
  5. Business Automation RPMs core packages should be installed. You can use the following command for verification:

    rpm -q bm-stores bm-message bm-domaingate bm-dummygate bm-pemgate bm-resellergate bm-domreg-plugin-dummyregistrar bm-domreg-plugin-testregistrar bm-payment-plugin-dummypay
  6. Open following TCP port ranges to allow connectivity between Operations Automation Management Node and Business Automation hosts.
From: To: Ports
Business Automation nodes Operations Automation Management Node 8352-8500, 80, 16384
Operations Automation Management Node Business Automation hosts internal IPs 22, 443, 5224, 5643, 5743, 5843, 8352-8500 (except 8440)

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