
Users of one Exchange organization (subscription) can see calendar free/busy (availability) information of users of another Exchange organization (subscription).


By default the free/busy information is available to any Exchahge user from the same AD domain.


Only the users of the same Exchange organization must be able to see their calendar free/busy information.

After upgrading to version 5.5.9/6.0.1/7.0, POA will automatically protect the Calendar folders of new Exchange 2010/2013 mailboxes, but mailboxes created in the previous versions of POA will not be automatically protected during the upgrade to version 5.5.9/6.0.1/7.0 because this is a time-consuming operation. You must run the script ProtectMailboxesCalendarFolder.ps1 when the uprgade to version 5.5.9/6.0.1/7.0 is completed.

To allow viewing free/busy information only to the users of the same Exchange organization, the Calendar folders must be protected. To protect the Calendar folders for existing mailboxes, perform following steps:

  1. Download the attached script ProtectMailboxesCalendarFolder.ps1 to any Exchange mailbox server or WPE server.
    Note: The version of mailboxes processed by this script matches the version of the server where the script is executed. If exchange environment is deployed on Windows 2008 server without R2, then Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell will not be available on it. This script can be executed on WPE server if it is Windows Server 2008 R2 and has Exchange Management Shell installed - in this case script should be called from Exchange Management Shell Or this script can be called on any Exchange server (MBX or CAS or HUB - which have Windows 2008 R2 installed and make sure they are of same Exchange version in case Exchange 2010 and 2013 co-exist together).
  2. Run the Exchange Management Shell PowerShell console as administrator .
  3. Execute the script:
    • To protect all mailboxes of all Exchnage organizations:
    • To protect mailboxes of selected Exchnage organizations:
      ProtectMailboxesCalendarFolder.ps1 -Organizations <String[]>
      ProtectMailboxesCalendarFolder.ps1 -OrganizationsFile <String>
      Organizations - the list of organization names separated by a comma (,)
      OrganizationsFile - the path to the file with the list of organization names (each organization name is placed in a new line)

      Organization names that are accepted by this command can be obtained in Provider Control Panel (the column Name in the Exchange organizations list: Services > E-mail > Organizations in the Hosted Exchange group).
  4. When the script completes its work, examine the script log files. The following files are generated by the script:
    • organizations(TIMESTAMP).protected.log - the list of organizations which were successfully protected.
    • organizations(TIMESTAMP).failed.log - the list of organizations for which protection failed.
    • organizations(TIMESTAMP).errors.log - the list of organizations for which protection failed with
    • a detailed error description.

Note: The script is reenterable. You can run it several times for the same list of Exchange organizations.


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