
Provider configuring a fraud screening plugin (for example Payment System vs Country), added a country to list of unreliable countries.

However, customers are still able to place order using payment methods from country marked as unreliable.


Just configuring plugin is not enough. One should configure rule(s) based on this plugin and add them to existing fraud filter. Please check the article How Fraud Screening Works for more information.


  1. Configure a rule based on plugin and add condition to the rule like it said in the articles Adding Fraud Screening Rule ( for PBA-E 5.5 and later or 5.4 and earlier ) and Adding Condition to Fraud Screening Rule (for PBA-E 5.5 and later or 5.4 and earlier ).

  2. Add this rule to existing fraud filteror create new using the article Configuring Fraud Filter ( for PBA-E 5.5 and later or 5.4 and earlier ).

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