
Some susbcription operation (e.g. cancellation, attempt to bill or open Resources tab) fails with the error below:

Parallels Operations Automation error #error_code #2006, extype_id #15, module_id #ResourceManagement, Resource type #XXX does not exist.. 


Resource has been deleted from OA Service Template first and at the same time at least one subscription has already been provisioned by that moment. As a result, Billing side did not know anything about such resource deletion from OA side.

The above behavior has been reported as a software-related issue #PBA-86538 "Resource type does not exist exeption if a Subscription has Measureble resource which was removed from a Service Template at OA side"


If you need this resource in the subscription:

  1. Deactivate the service template on POA side
  2. Add the resource to the service template
  3. Activate the template back
  4. Synchronize the resource from PBA, service template side: Home> Products> Service Plans> Service Templates > #ID > Resources > choose added resource

If you do not need this resource in the subscription (which is more probable as it has been deleted from the service template)

  1. Delete the resource from the service plan resource rates (if it exists there)
  2. Synchronize the subscription based on this service plan with options "Remove obsolete resources", "Install into Provisioning system" - "Not Install"

To clarify status of #PBA-86538, please, contact your Technical Account Manager or a member of Pooled Technical Associates Team.

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