
How to forbid customer to edit his name in CCP?


There is a privilege MANAGE_OWN_ACCTINFO_C. If you remove it from Users's role (PBA Home> Operations> Customers> select_needed_account> Users> select_needed_user> Roles> select_role> Privileges> select MANAGE_OWN_ACCTINFO_C> Delete) that will forbid customer to change any of its personal information from CCP.

However if you want to forbid editing only customer's name, following customization files can be used:

First of all, copy required customization file into /usr/local/bm/customization folder:

#cp /usr/local/bm/conf/wnd/BM/customization/CDB_Contact_CDB_UpdateContactInfoCompanyWin.xml /usr/local/bm/customization


#cp /usr/local/bm/conf/wnd/BM/customization/CDB_Contact_CDB_UpdateContactInfoPersWin.xml /usr/local/bm/customization.

Please note that /usr/local/bm/customization folder should be a symbolic link to the /usr/local/bm/conf/wnd/BM/customization folder

For personal accounts:

[root@pba customization]# cat CDB_Contact_CDB_UpdateContactInfoPersWin.xml
<window id="CDB_Contact_CDB_UpdateContactInfoPersWin">
<input  id="AccountPersFName" visibility="vo" />
<input  id="AccountPersMName" visibility="vo" />
<input  id="AccountPersLName" visibility="vo" />

For companies:

[root@pba customization]# cat CDB_Contact_CDB_UpdateContactInfoCompanyWin.xml
<window id="CDB_Contact_CDB_UpdateContactInfoCompanyWin">
<input id="AccountCompany" visibility="vo" />

www service restart is required to apply customization changes:

#service pba restart www

For more information about customization files creation please refer to our documentation - UI Customization Guide

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