
Trying to open Subscription - Resources tab in PBA-E Provider's Control Panel returns the following error:

ODBC error #22003: ERROR: numeric field overflow A field with precision 16, scale 2 must round to an absolute value less than 10^14.; Error while executing the query 

On POA side Subscription resources can be viewed without any issue.


Issue is caused by internal issue CCU-8217 ( CI backup space usage in PACI goes huge because it shows in bytes). The usage of one of the subscription resources is too big due to the wrong units of measure.

The value of the resource usage on POA side is:

1002215 CI backup space usage   368107501452288 MBh

Such value can not be parsed by PBA-E, and that leads to the exception above.


The issue CCU-8217 is fixed in POA 5.5 update 6.

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