
How to enable Download PDF button for payment in the Hold status?


The button is disabled in the default customization. The following actions should be made to enable it:

  1. Create new customization file (if it does not exist):

  2. Add the following lines:

    <window id="ARDoc_PADetailMyWin">
    <constraint id="hideDownloadPDF" element="download" >
    <enable> CanSendNotification "==" "0" </enable>
    <constraint id="disDownloadPDF" element="download">
    <hide> Status "==" "2000" </hide>
    <hide> Status "==" "2200" </hide>
    <hide> Status "==" "2300" </hide>
  3. Restart PBA UI:

    /etc/init.d/pba restart www

Internal content